The more sour cream, the better. Love kopusta.

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I admit, you are more adventurous than me. I'm not crazy about cartilage-y textures. Although, when we were in Paris in December, we had a beef tongue tartar that was amazing. We had our Christmas dinner at Magma (well not literally as it was early December, not the 25th, but it was officially our annual Christmas dinner together just for ourselves) which had a set menu, which I know some people think is pretentious but I like set menus for this exact reason - I would have never ordered that myself, but in this case, it was on the menu so that's what I got. And I loved it! Now if I see it again, I'll order it again.

Can't wait to be back in Paris again! Thanks for the great writing!

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Thank you, Les. Wow! I think raw beef tongue is very adventurous. I cook it all the time, and it is so delicious in a vinaigrette, or in a Basque red pepper sauce. It’s never even entered my mind to eat it raw!

And, I love set menus too: such a relaxed and fun way to eat — the chef makes all decisions and usually some delicious new dish enters my field. 🌸

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Truly excellent food writing!

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I seem to relate to demons better too. Really fun read. 😊

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Beautiful podcast. Loved the background sounds

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Gracias, Juan. And thank you so much for your encouragement with this. It's a fun process, indeed.

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